Girls' Generation!




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hai , on9 ke cik kaaaaak !

* link facebook


org ngah wat geo nihhh

***** tu sapa?


tgok kat bff !

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babi !


makna nye ..

dorang rapat la ea ?


jeng jeng jeng


nak muntah aku tgk gmbar ****


kenapa ?


pk comel la?



* mmg comel pun




weh ,

khai add ****

macam bangang

ada saingan laa XD


skali khai ngorat a****..mampos ko



ntah , khai dah la montok XD


nnti aku bukak yeer

busy nih


banyak gila gambar korea !

comel pulak tu !


tak siap lagi ?


dah nak

bapak lawa sial tumblr dia


eww ,


lawa la

tal byk gmbar korea pon


aq punya lagi lawa laaa !


BRB tandas


banyak laa !

tgok kay older post


off jap


kasik tumblr ko






tgok !

tak bole blah


oooh maaaai goooddd



yang tengkorak tu !

yang tengkorak tu !

stim sial; !

kalah tgok porn


tumblr ko...



nak tukar la nie !

kaw dah tgok ke yg tengkorak tu ?



berdosa aku


stim tak >



tak pun

yg **** punya..aku nmpak satu je korea

kim bum ngan pompuan tu


banyak laaa !


ko kasik aku

copy image url



nak nangis aku

yg memula tu mmg korea. yg dua ngan tiga tu sah2 omputeh


nampak sangat korea la weyy ?!




nak tgok***** punye taaaaaak ?


yg i=pompuan tu x sure




yg isap rokok tu omputeh


tgok ***** punya !


da tgok ***** punya ?


tak lawa pon


sape ?


***** punya la


lawa pulak pompuan dia !!!!

kalau ****semua laki

kalu*****semua pompuan


yela yela

**** gay



habis *****?

bapok ?

pondan ?


ntah la

aku kp **** je...tetibe*****



blog blog






sesedap ko je kutuk ex dia

bobba's tu binatang apa?


bobbas tu pelacur murah



loeinit tu ape lak?


salah tulis



semakin lama , saya semakin menyukai blog saya . almaklumlah , sebelum ini , kalau hendak memperbetulkan blog ini , saya perlu memerlukan bantuan kawan saya yang saya sayangi iaitu meyayot . tapi kini tidak lagi ! saya boleh berdiri di atas kaki sendiri , SAYA HEBAT ! ookay , akward gila kot , cakap macam ni .. kalah ikmal kena baca time geografi .. okay , saya selalu iperli olah kaum kaum nak pupus dalam class saya , sapa lag , si comel tu lah . haaa , ni saya nak cerita pasal dorang nih . oooo , perli aku dalam class , sadeaaap je kan ? haaa , meh sini , cheq habaq mai , aqeel ni , seorang yang mempunyai ketinggian yang rendah , dan teramaaatlah comel m, sapa tgok dia senyum , cair ! masuk freezer , pun tak beku beku lagi ! tapi , dia dah ada makweee , gf , dia nama zatie , hooot kot , tapi better , aqeel pilih dia jadik gf dia . benci gila kot ex-gf dia . ada ke patut dia panggil aku bobba's . waktu tu , aku bergurau ngan si comel tu kat status myspace , yelah , bergurau .. main bunuhbunuh semua kan . pastu terkutuk gf dia yang ppppfffftttt tu . then dia comment , phew , mintak kaaaki . lastlast aku delete dia . menyampah aku . since that day , aqeel dilihat tidak semesra dulu . almakulumlah orang dah tinggi ;O

bsaltwater room

wahhh ! exam nak dekaaattt . mak pun dah membebel suruhh baca buku , cikgu akmah pun dah jeling tahap juling mata dia ! ustazah pulak tak habis habis . ' 80 ke atas ' , ' 80 ke atas ' . ergh , nasib baik comel XD . btw , saya nak tgok movie nanti , vampire suck , SALT . angelina juling woooo o_O .. okay , * weird . XD . derr , macam mana nak dapat semua A , B pun tak lepas . ni nak harap A ! haaadooyy , kalau laa aq jumpa bomoh malam ni .. eh , silap , tok wan aku pun jadi lah . XD . ataupun , rendam buku geografi buat sup . tak boleh ! nanti kena duduk kat lantai , cikgu dot det dot det marah ! huuuu , ataupun belajar guna laptop macam cikgu sivik .. XD . ataupun merepek dengan salahuddin . pastu buat muka * akward :S

viva la vida

hhahhahah ! today is just funny . DAMN FUNNY ! okay , this stated like this , aimran and his gang of the robbers made a kind of stupid video for today history presentation . and .. i'm loeinit .. exspecially , when aqeel is wearing a spectacles . ouch , i'm melting , and , stupid enough to say .. that amirul looks skinny in that movie . giggling enough when saw aimran flipping hair shot . GFH . XD . btw , good job aqeel . comel sungguh anda . you all done a very good job . till i felt embrased enough to hide my head in m school bag :)


i think his playlist have played almost 40 times :P

losing it

my mum , always giving me ' penderaan mental ' . shes kepp calling me fat , terrible body , fat , ugly . urgh , i know he was the hootties when her young . but excuse me . NO DOUBT TO FAT PEOPLE . ! that's why , i always felt terrible in front of people that i like . then . i felt wanna do the platic surgery or that fucking slimming world . theni realise , i never enough for him , i an ogre . :'( . people , never happy with what they have . small boobs , wants bigger boobs , skiiny wanted fat . then die people ? wanna live again ? * meyayo :')

* nothing

i found his tumblr finnaly :O but , theres something ths realy dissapoint me .... HE"S TAKEN ! watahek , i really sad , screaming , shout like hell .... hurm , but , when i'm reading his tumblr . his just like .... giving me new chance .. what i mean here is , he put my favourite song . i can't tell you , what the song title and .... i'm touched :')


Mariam Nabila he's taken :'O

granted my nabila wishes * annoying .

stupidility exploded

ouch ! want it .

How about this for a friday movie date?


tadi nampak dia balik sekolah . aww comelnya . :')

* screaming .

erghhhh , myspace tak bole stalk comment !


hari selasa hari tu , ada tangkap tangkap gambar ( fotografi ) . masa nak buat candid tuh , sumpah , banyak gila orang . nak kentut pon tak bole . bila time nak candid tuh , kitorang rasa akward gila bapak . yelah , dah orang keliling pandang . kang , over kang , lain pulak bunyik nya . tetibe , cikgu sorang ni , yang tak berapa nak lawa , tetibe menyelit , ' kamu semua ni tak kreatif langsung ' .. phew cikgu ~ sekali aku bukak baju , lagi kreatif . sepak kang ! da la , tak habishabis dengan senior page . menyampah gila . orang nak naik kelas nak belajar ' sejarah ' errrgghhh , %*%)^)

i made it .

hari ni ,ada satu peraduan/game/penyertaan and whatsoever yang dianjurkan oleh pusat sumber sekolah . iaitu .... bagi lolipop !!! arrrgghhhh , cam gila , tak bawak duit ! kalau tak satu sekolah aku bagi kat fans aku :P . yang nabla , bedah sumer . takde keje , menghabiskan duit macam paris , bagi sesama diorang jek , macam bangang jek , ucapan plaka tak bole blah , kalah soleh nak ngorat amalina . I LAP you lah , i 've been watching you lah . ergh , aku duduk la , kat hujung tu tadek sape nak pujuk . lepak ngan izzah . hah , yang lagi satu lagilah , fikri hantar kat syuhada , cakap fikri suka kat dia . yang lagi satu , aqeel bagi lolipop kat filzah . haha , saya tak jelous . sumpah ! okay , fine . pastu ada sorang ' abang ' masuk hantar kunci kat cikgu akmah . yang aku bongok pegi tanya , ' hah , lolipop ? ' bongok , macam orang desperate ! =='

birthday :P

talking about birthday . oh - it was havoc yesterday with our krk senior screaming like hell , singing happy bithday to mr . benarrudi. okay , it was quite irritatingly annoying to me . ( jelous ) nvm . today is , our drop fucking noob showing off birthday ( phew ~ ==' ) okay , its _____ . i can't even mention her name . because his really annoys me . even with mentioning ' her ' name . okay , back to the topic , yesterday , salahuddding birthday , and selena gomez , today , our drop fucking noob showing off birthday, and , aisyah , and our prime minister birthday , last week , aien birthday , ( rabbit ) okay , apa nak cakap ,hah ! banyak gila hari jadi oh . nasib baik tak pyah kasi hadiah . miskin aku ! ( mmg pon ) -_-

whooaaa ! bapak ! cool gila video taylor momsen ! patutlah paan , aqeel , omar minat gila ngan dia . dah la cool comel pulak tuh ! seriously you have to eatch her move ! DROP DEAD AWESOMEEEE ! tak pernah saya jumpa pompuan macam tu , dia lari dari paparazzi then dia buat parkore ! bukak ni !

seriously , bukak !

hak !

crazy frog

Section 1

Hair color?

Eye color?

taller than me :P

Six pack?
yeah , macam haziq hafizi or wan asyraf >.<

Long hair or short?
bald O.O

contact ens would be better .. aww .

nooo O.O

tebal tebal bole ? nak yang macam jehan miskin . tapi tak nak yg miskin :P

big butt or little ?
bangang nyaa soalan . okay , nak yg besra . stok beyonce punyaaa ! =='

Buff or skinny?
skinny . tak nak yg macam saya . hell no !

tak nak yg macam aimran . tak best kiss :O hahahhahaha

Section 2

Funny or serious?
fuuny . macam mr bean . tapi tak nak muka macam mr . bean . tapi nak kaya macam mr bean . t

Party-hopper or more stay-at-home?
party hooper , jgn yg bapak ayam sudahlah =='

Should he be able to bake or cook?
cook , boleh la joint bakar rumah . takpe , bomba sebelah rumah jeeee :P

Is it okay for him to have a lot of female friends?
no , nanti kaw menggatal ! dah la bff aku semuanya yg hothot ! HELL NO ! lepak ngan pondan boleh ! :D

Out-going or shy?
out going . boleh la lawan bulu ketiak sape yang paling panjang ! O_o

Sarcastic or sincere?
sarcastic ! boleh lah stripping kat rumah pastu kena belasah ngan mak aku ! LMAO ! >.<

Would he be a smoker?
yes ....... HELL NO ! nak mampuis , dapat anak ketot macam aqeel baru tau ! tapi nak yang comel macam aqel , bole pandang lamalama . almaklumlah sedap mata memandang .. -_____-

How about a drinking?
dringking ? oh - minum botol lagi ! ish , ish . pakai pampers lagi ? oh - tak larat aku nak basuh berak kaw =.=

And swearing?
apa main sumpahsumpah ? kena makan sesumpah baru tau !

Would he play with your hair?
main lah . rambut aku yang macma ulat nih . :P

Would he have more than one girlfriend at a time?
apa ? nak kahwin lagi . siap kaw aku sumbat kaw dalam zoo !

Would he pay for you when you're on a date?
kaw ingat aku miskin ke ? aku ada duit sendiri lah nak bayar ! :P

Does he kiss on the first date?
dah gosok gigi ke belum ?

Where would you go for dinner?
makan kat rumah dah lah , makan maggi . maggi dah berlambak dah ni . takyah nak perabih duit nak makan kat luar .

Would he buy you flowers?
nak buat apa bunga ? ingat aku monyet ke ? bagi la kereta ke , hummer ke ? ni bunga .. =,=

Would he hang out with your and YOUR friends?
no way , pegi lepak kat zoo tuh ! kan ramai kawan kaw :D

How about you hanging out with him and HIS friends?
yeah , no way , saya ni pemalu orangnya .

Would you hold hands?
pegang tangan je eh , jangan nak lebihlebih pulak kaw ! :P

Section 3

Does he play soccer?
yeah , of course ! lagi berpeluh , lagi sexxaaayyy :O

boleh jugak , tapi jgn ketiak basah sudah . satu geng ngan aku .

boleh , tapi jangan ngorat awek WAP pulak . aku sumbat kaw dalam zoo , baru tau !

bolehboleh , macam haziq hafizi . nanti keluar 6packs !

Does he surf?
yes , macam zac efron :O

Can he sing?
jangan suara macam aimran sudah . sedap sangat . :P

Play the guitar?
strumming macam orianti . jangan jadi macam orianti sudah .

Play piano?
aaa ... ?

Play the drums?
whatheFUCK ! of course ! absolutely yes ! triple time yes ! worrr , lagilagi kalau muka macam david henry . wooooo , datang bergolek aku kat dia !

Can he keep his room clean?
no . satu geng lah dengan aku . kaw nak jadik pondan apa nak bilik kemaskemas ? nak mampus ?


How are you?
not okay .. SORE THROAT ! uhuk ! uhuk ! :(

Are you really okay?
yeah , somebody .. standby a grave for me ! i realy wanna die !!!! go die -_-

Do you enjoy being single?
no , actually :(

Are you crushing on someone?

Do they like you back?
i don't know .. i guess .. i really don't know .

If so, why are you not with them?
he's a gayyyy

What's their name?
mr . bean . done ?

Do you think high-school relationships can last?
yeah , both of my classmates in love now , well , yet we stand and watch either they can stand their realationship till the end :)

Do you remember your first crush?
yeah , both of us holding hand until some of my friends ask him to go somthing something , maybe because he can't stand to see us to FLIRTING TOO MUCh >.<

Have you ever been in love?
yeah , of course ! stupid question :P

Does anyone love you?
: who loves me ? anyone ? no , no one haha

Do you think there is a difference between love and lust?
yeah of course ! we fall in love to have sex and lust for getting more than sex ! okay , you can call me whore . -__-

When will you next see the person you like?
secret baybay !

How does it feel when your crush doesn't like you back?
hahha , i ask my mum to chase him with a terompah in other hand >_<

Is their anyone you couldn't live without?
yes , my dad , my mum , my friends , my scandal , my omar then my boyfriend >.<

Who is the last person you hugged?
my naked kim kardashian poster ! LAUGH MY ASS - OFF !!

Do you like this person?
not really .

Who is the last person you slow-danced with?
secret .

Do you like this person?
no , he got his own .

Do you think a marriage can last forever?
yeah , like brat pitt and angelina , victoria and bucham but NO to malaysian artists . KG .

Would you like to get married?
yeah , of course ! get married ta mantenegro like megan and austin green :P

Do you get shy around guys/girls you are crushing on?
no . i never felt ashame even i'm scrubing my armpit in front of my fucking crush :P

Do you think you can know everything about a person?
NO , ' i don't even know about myself , so don't tell me that you know everything bout me '

Do you love your friends?
of course , PUNK !

Have you dated anyone in your top friends?
yeah , >.<

Do you get along better with guys/girls?
yeah , i love my fake lagan lermaanannnn !

Is your perfect guy somewhere out there or just a fantasy?
is he really out there ?

Are you bored?
no , i'm soooo excited to hugged my nude kim kardashian poster =='

Who makes you happiest?
redtube =='

When was the last time you had butterfly's?
butter fly ? oh , i understand , you mean the butter fly .. oh yeah , i throw out side from my house last yesterday , because my mockiy mouse ate them till finish . ( i wondering what the hell is butterfly ==')

Do you think you will still be single in the next 3 months?
i'm taken now , excuse me ! :p

Have you ever asked anyone out?
no , jom , pegi jamban . nak ?

Have you ever been on a date?
yeah .

Kiss on first date?
no , hes too stupid too wearing a lipstic . i told youuu , hes a gayyyy !

What puts you off to the opposite sex?
realigion , i 'm a proud to be islam . alhamduliilah :)

What do you find attractive?
my F size ? LMAO !

Have any celebrity crushes?
no , aww , my fake logan lerman :'O

Are you thinking about your crush now?
hell no ! ( lying )

all my awesome followers :)