love for last

hey yaw ! this gonna be the last post im posting here :) so , really a goodbye . . here . okay , theres so many thing happening . and plus my younger brother naim stay with us . with my family . with his family . oh my . hes five years old alreday . but - hes even d
oesnt know how to pee ! got to much spoil ? yeah ! thats right ! so , baby - my secret admire have be stolen by somebody who have the same name with me :'> dooh - feeling sad . but - yeah . almost all night me playing badminton with him :) fuck off - hes dont even tell me that hes taken . taken by that ......... me doom :'<<<<>
so , menggedik terlebih sudah , mencarut sudah , aku dah pecahkan rahsia yang aku pun gatai nak berjubur pun sudah , so HAPPY NEW YEAR . yohooooooooooo ! <3

so - mariam ! kalau dah tau abang dia hot mac
am nie . apsal lah - kaw terhegeh hegeh nak kat adik dia ? heh - kalau dah abang dia hot gila sampai macam ni , mestilah
adik dia hot macam ni pulak

eh - eh ! si lap tekanlah pulok m
acam ni lah kot
muka diaa :P

ufufufufuufu . aku tak taulah . tapi sumpah meruntun jiwa raga . cair tak beku beku aku tengok gambar niee :'>>>> awwwwhhhh . tapi tak boleh lah nak ngorat diaa :<<<>>>>>>>
me in penang :)

me at thewesttown now :/ so , currently online at the unknown cyber cafe with peterpan's motorcycle :/ so , 20 hari bulan ni boleh kot balik . nak cium bantal busuk puass whoaaa :OO so , bedot bedut badut yang nak pegi tengok movies tuuu , ingat ingat lah kat akuuu :/ online sorang pun tak splash kat aku :/ nabila :) aku selalu teringat kaw lawak kaw waktu golek golek kat atas katil sorang soeang :D . bedah aku selalu teringat muka waktu kaw marah . entahlah , macam takde benda lain pulak nak rindu :P ainna - of corse la aku teringat ingat , terngiang ngiang kndness kaw :) aimran - entahlah , masayang gaduh air ma*i tu kot :P hahha bodoh sial -' aqeel - ntahlah , aku tak pernah pulak pandang muka dia tapi i felt all over the body jealousy because MEYA ASYIK CERITA PASAL DIA JE :/ ap yang saya tau , meya mmg tgah searching pun sekarang :/ entahlah :) and the rest :/ saya mmg rinduuuuu sangat sangat kat all of em ' izzah , khai marziah :/ shahira and lOLs USTAZAH :D

miss in

kumbang payung . haha , di tengah hari , membentukkan ada , melayu jati , pangantin datang berseri seri .

dooh . sape sape ada fb atau tau TAJOL IZHAM kat mana tolonglah bagi tau ! miss like hell kat dia niee :(